Artworks of Gary Benfield (Repost & Update)

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Artworks of Gary Benfield
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Gary Benfield was born December 6th, 1965 in Birmingham, England. He studied art at Stourbridge College of Art (1982 – 1984) and at Wrexham College of Art (1984 – 1986). In 1986, Benfield became a professional freelance illustrator. After leaving the academic world he set up his own studio near London and concentrated on drawing and painting figures. Within a few years, his work was being collected throughout Europe and his reputation had become firmly established. 

Benfield has a natural talent for depicting things as seen. His work is spontaneous and reflected by his drawn lines and dashes of color. The figures dissolve in and out of their backgrounds and move across the canvas. He paints rapidly and discards most of his paintings and drawings, keeping only those he feels are perfected in their conception rather than overwork those that are not correct. 

His paintings represent a discrete world of objects which combine figures, mythology, nature, and still life. Despite the casual appearance of his compositions, all imagery is highly organized, and after long observations one finds the hidden symmetry and beauty beneath the layers of finery. The background of his paintings is soft, reminiscent of Leonardo de Vinci’s sketches and sepia tones, most of it defined only with pencil and a slight highlight of color.

Gary Benfield родился в Англии в 1965 году. Его основная черта в работе — спонтанность. Пишет быстро, "размашисто", при этом сохраняя симметрию и гармонию образов. Предметы и фигуры в его произведениях переплетаются между собой, они танцуют, они кружатся, одни принимают цвет и форму других. И мы вовлечены в радужный мир его изображений, где чувственность и радости жизни объединены в полете света и фантазии.


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