Animation Master v17.0g Mac OS X

BY Unknown IN No comments

Animation Master v17.0g Mac OS X | 46.5 MB

Hash Animation:Master (A:M) is a fully featured, intuitive, fun to learn and use 3D animation software package. It has been created to make 3D animation affordable and easy enough for everyone – no matter if you are an anima­tion expert at home or new to animation in general. Its permanent pricetag is as good as unbeatable and and its professional easy-to-use tools are often industry-leading.

What can I do with it?
A:M is a complete, full-featured 3D animation software package. You can create literally anything – illustration stills of objects, animation shorts, product designs, archi­tectual visualizations, special effects and even feature-length films.

No matter if you want to create an animation movie, a music video for your band or just tell a short story:
A:M can do it!

Is there a feature list?
A complete feature list would be too long to show you here – after all, we would be talking about hundreds (or even thousands) of features! The following list, however, should give you a basic idea of what A:M can do for you. 

  • Patch based modeling (no inefficient polygons) 
  • 3, 4, and 5-point patches and hooks 
  • Loft, "Copy Flip Attach", Lathe and Extrude functions 
  • "Sweeper", "Extruder", "Grid", "Font", "Terrain" and many more included wizards. 
  • Mirror, Magnet and Distortion modes 
  • ...and much more!

Texturing & Materials
  • Easy-to-use texture-tools useable like "stamps" 
  • Projection and UV-based materials 
  • UV editor and optional 3D painting software 
  • Mathematical based, procedural material system 
  • Fluid, hair, sprites and streak particle systems 
  • ...and much more!

  • Non-linear animation system 
  • Extensive Constraints system (IK / FK) 
  • Bone animation with weights and "SmartSkins" 
  • Pose and Expression based animation 
  • Cloth, Rigid-Body and Hair simulation 
  • Grooming-Mode for hair-guide styling and animation 
  • Free, extensive rigs available. 
  • ...and much more!

Lighting & Rendering
  • Global Illumination, Radiosity and Caustics 
  • Ambient Occlusion and Image Based Lightening 
  • Sub Surface Scattering and extensive Shader library 
  • Multi-Pass HDRI in & output with Buffers (EXR-format) 
  • Netrender for batch-rendering with multiple computers included. (GUI-based, 4 nodes included)
  • ...and much more!

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